Youth and Adults
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Learn how to Improve Professional and Personal Relationships using "True Colors"

"True Colors" is an easy and entertaining way to begin to understand yourself and the people you work with as well as the people you live with each day. We will use a diagnostic tool to help you  enjoy success in your relationships.

Workshop Objectives

You will learn how you express and communicate the dimensions of your personality and character through "True Colors".

Brough to you by:
True Colors Consultant Bess Bronson

True Colors Consultant Bess Bronson

Bess is a retired teacher, principal and retired Oceanside Unified Director. Bess has facilitated "True Colors" workshops all over the U.S. and Europe. Organizations such as school districts, police depts., and correctional facility organizations have called on her to help them improve working relationships with staff and clientele. Bess has been a a member of the North County African American Women's Association for over 20 years. Bess is married to SGT. Major Ret. Harold Bronson , has two awesome children Heather and Ronald ( Estrella ), and is the proud grandmother of Cassius, Emiliano, and Sebastian .

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